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  • als Antwort auf: Two motors. Forwards and Backwards #6306
    Liam MolloyLiam Molloy

    I found the issue. In the example configurations on the MTC4BT, “backward” is used but in ‘loadControllerConfiguration.h” in line 116 the value “reverse” is used to set the “isinverted” property when the channels are configured.

    In my configuration file I changed “backward” to “reverse” and now the loco runs as expected.

    I would recommend either updating the documentation to say “reverse” or updating the code to say “backward”. Updating the documentation would mean the code does not have to be updated.

    // loadControllerConfiguration.h
    [115] const char *dir = channelConfig[“direction”] | “forward”;
    [116] bool isInverted = strcmp(dir, “reverse”) == 0;

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