Hi all,
For the past few days I’ve been playing around with Mattzobricks. I’ve managed to get almost everything working, except for the connection between Rocrail and Mosquitto.
Since there is little information about how to create this connection I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to accomplish this (on Windows 10).
My current steps are:
Download and install mosquitto.
Alter the mosquitto.conf:
allow_anonymous true
listener 1883
Run mosquitto -c mosquitto.conf -v
Download and extract the zip for rocrail (64bit).
Run Desktoplink.com
Start rocview
-Connect to
Hostname: localhost
Port: 8051
Create a new plan
-Open workspace
-New directory
Configure rocrail for the new plan
-Rocrail properties
-Tab Service
MQTT Service
Hostname: localhost (also tried and the real ip-address)
Port: 1883
-Tab Controller
Hostname: localhost (also tried and the real ip-address)
Port: 1883
The error I keep getting:
mqtt broken socket
send() failed[10053]
cannnot write to socket errno=0
recv() failed[10053] size=1 read=0
Anyone got any ideas how to solve these errors ??