The layouts on this page use standard LEGO tracks and TrixBrix switches and tracks.

All track layouts were created with Bluebrick and the TrixBrix Track Library for Bluebrick.

The Bluebrick files can be downloaded here.

2 Ovals

Oval with 3 tracks

Please note that the outer two curved switches are the 90° variant, whereas the inner two switches are the 45° variant. They have slightly longer straight parts (1,41x standard LEGO tracks, appr. 22,5 studs).

Oval with 4 tracks

Oval with station with reduced gap between tracks

This example shows an oval with a train station. The gap between the upper and lower tracks in the station is reduced to 4 studs using the 4 stud gap switches from TrixBrix.

Oval with R40 Railyard Switches

The R40 railyard switch (concept by Mattzobricks) can not just be used to build railyards, but also to build entries to parallel tracks at the end of an R40 curve very efficiently. This nice little layout uses only the two railyard switches and 4 R40 half curves (11,25°). All other parts are standard R40 curves and standard straights!

2 Ovals with R40 Railyard Switches


This corner provides a turnaround option for trains on a double track system. It uses standard R40 TrixBrix switches. The curves on the inner track are R104s, the last two tracks are RC1 pieces.


0110 - U-Shape
In many cases, the layout must be built in a U-shape because of limited space available. This layout shows an example for such a situation.

Diverging Tracks R40/R56

Diverging Tracks R40/R56
This layout uses the R56 Pass-Through Crossing.

R40 Switchodrome

This layout demonstrates some applications of different R40 switches and curve sections.

45° Crossings

R40 Special Switches

This layout shows the application of difference special R40 switches. Using the R40 single and double slip switches in a useful way is not an easy task. Please note that it is essential to understand the geometric differences between the single and double slip switches!

Oval with R104+R120 curves and R104 switches

The smallest curve radius in the layout is R104. Your large steam engines will have a smooth ride, but you also need the required space to build it.

Oval with R40 curves and R104 switches

It is often useful to combine the R104 switches with R40 curves in order to save space.

Large terminal station with R104 switch field

This terminal station switch field is built with a left R104 3-track railyard, a right R104 3-track railyard, and a R104 crossover.

Star Crossing with Circles

Star Crossing with Circles 2

Freestyle Layout 1

Freestyle Layout 2

2 thoughts on “TrixBrix Sample Layouts

  1. Please can you tell what parts I need to buy for the following layouts

    1. R40 Switchodrome
    2. U Shape


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