TrixBrix offers a stunning variety of 3d printed and injection molded track components, all compatible with the LEGO train system.

TrixBrix Track Library for Bluebrick

I have compiled a complete track library with all TrixBrix tracks for the track planning software Bluebrick. The library contains more than 200 tracks, switches, crossings, special elements and sets. All geometrics have been calculated with full mathematical precision.

Some examples:

Some example parts of the TrixBrix Track Library for Bluebrick

Download Instructions

Please follow these steps to use the TrixBrix Track Library for Bluebrick:

  1. Download and install Bluebrick on your PC. If already installed, upgrade to the latest version (minimum: 1.9.1 as of March 2021).
  2. Choose the menu item File / Download Additional Parts…
Bluebrick: download additional parts (1)

3. In the next dialog, select “Search in the Official Non-LEGO Package Library” and click on “Search for Package Libraries”.

Bluebrick: download additional parts (2)

4. On the next screen, select the TrixBrix Library for Bluebrick ( and click “Start Download”.

Bluebrick will then download the library. Click on the “TrixBrix” tab on the track element section to use the library.


After downloading the library, it is a good time to optimize your Bluebrick configuration:

  • The TrixBrix Track Library for Bluebrick works best on white background. Navigate to menu “Edit / Preferences”. Select tab “Appearance”. Choose Color Scheme “Classic (printer friendly)”.
  • Stay in the preferences dialog, as we need to do some additional settings there. Select the tab “Part Library”. Select “TrixBrix” and move it up to the top of the list by clicking the “Move Up” button.
  • Still in the preferences dialog, find the box “Part and Bubble Information”. Check “Part Info:” and “Description”.
  • Close the preferences dialog by pressing the “OK” button.

Download sample files

Sample file with the most of the sample track layouts published on MattzoBricks can be downloaded here:

Last Update: Nov 21th, 2020

Tips and Tricks

In the library, there are some “sets” of predefined combinations of tracks, e.g. railyards, cross-overs, and pass-throughs. Add one of them to your layout, e.g. the “Monster Crossover R104”. You can disassemble a set by clicking the right mouse button on it and select the context menu “ungroup”. After ungrouping, you can move the single components of sets individually.

Inspire yourself by checking out the Sample Layouts on


Version History

1.8.1 / upcoming

  • R56 curved switches
  • R56 compact corner
  • R40 switch components
    • R40 switch base
    • R40 switch base with ground throw on the outer side
    • R40 detached part straight standard
    • R40 detached part straight railyard
    • R40 detached part straight short
    • R40 detached part curved 90°
    • R40 detached part curved 45°
    • R40 perpendicular turnout switch
  • R40 perpendicular turnout switch combination (3 tracks)
  • T-Junction R40/R56 based on R40 switch components (to have all ground throws on the correct side)
  • Bugfix for R148 3- and 4-track railyards.

1.8 / 17.04.2024

  • R56 curve 11.25° (half)
  • R72 curve 5.625° (half) update. Attention: braking change!
  • R88 curve 5.625° (half)
  • R104 curve 5.625° (half)
  • R120 curve 5.625° (half)
  • R120 switches
    • R120 siding curves
    • R120 siding assembly
    • R120 turn-out curves (1/3)
  • Double turnout R104/R120
    • Pass-through crossing R120
    • R120 pass-through adapter curve 1.875° (1/6)
  • T-junction R104/R120
    • Wye switch R104-R120 left and right
    • T-junction R104-R120 core
    • T-junction R104-R120 full assembly
    • W-junction R104-R120 assembly
    • R104-R120 turnout assemblies
    • R104-R120 dome and double-dome assembly
  • Dual gauge 45° crossing
  • Split of the former wye switch R104 assembly into the switch and the R104Y adapters. Attention: braking change!
  • 8 stud wye switch R104
  • Triple switch R104 parallel track assembly
  • 2-track railyards R40 and R104
  • Various hull corrections

1.7 / 14.07.2023

  • R148 concept
    • R148 switches
    • R148 curve, siding curve, turnout curve
    • Straight S1.3
  • T-junction R40-R56
    • Wye switch R40-R56 left and right
    • R40 curve 5.625° (quarter)
    • T-junction R40-R56 core
    • T-junction R40-R56 full assembly
  • Double pass-through R40 assembly (spans over four tracks)
  • Fixed some broken part pictures in HTML part list export
  • Narrow gauge R36 switches with ground throw on the inner side
  • Minor fixes and sort order improvements

1.6.5 / 13.08.2022

  • Zero gap triple switch
  • 2 stud gap triple switch
  • 4 stud gap triple switch
  • Minor hull corrections for 2 stud gap switches

1.6.4 / 12.04.2022

  • 2 stud gap switches

1.6.3 / 21.03.2022

  • 8 stud S-curve (R34 / 28,07°)
  • MILS straight track terminator

1.6.2 / 22.02.2022

  • 4 Stud S-curve (R65 / 14,25°)

1.6.1 / 26.11.2021

  • Bridges

1.6 / 16.112021

  • R72 switches including sidings and turnouts.
  • Pass-through crossing R72 with various R40/R56/R72 crossover turnouts sets

1.5.3 / 29.04.2021

  • R136, R152, R168, R184 curves

1.5.2 / 17.02.2021

  • R56 switches including sidings and turnouts.
  • Pass-through crossing R56
  • Diverging double track R40/R56 set
  • Switch servo motor connectors for narrow gauge double crossing
  • Minor bug fixes

1.5.1 / 02.11.2020

  • Buffer stop V2 (5 studs long)
  • Double straight (32 studs long)
  • Bug fixes (double slip crossover R104 sets)

1.5 / 12.10.2020

  • Switch servo motors

1.4.4 / 04.09.2020

  • 4 stud gap switches

1.4.3 / 19.08.2020

  • Bug fix (missing standard connector)

1.4.2 / 14.08.2020

  • Double slip crossover R104

1.4.1 / 31.07.2020

  • R40 tero gap switch
  • R104 wye switch
  • R104 quadruple switch

1.4 / 03.07.2020

  • Narrow gauge R84 switches
  • Narrow gauge crossing 22,5°

1.3 / 21.06.2020

  • Narrow Gauge Curves R72, R84, R96
  • Dual Gauge Crossing 90°
  • Narrow Gauge Buffer Stop

1.2 / 27.05.2020

  • R40 Railyard Switch

1.1 / 28.04.2020

  • Wide curve combos

1.0 / 09.04.2020

  • First public version, containing all TrixBrix parts as available on this day

23 thoughts on “TrixBrix Track Library

  1. Hello,
    I have a problem: Ican’t download the TrixBrix parts library. How can I have this?

          1. Hello, I could download the files, but the sections of the library in Bluebrick are empty. In the downloaded files, the icons do not look like the other parts. There is no folder named “config”.

          2. Hello, I download the 1.9.1, and it works. Thanks for the help. Have a good day.

    1. There presently is a problem on the Bluebrick server. We have informed the Bluebrick developer. I am sure that it’s going to fixed quickly. Please recheck in a couple of days!

  2. Hi Matthias,

    I’m still not able to download the library. It still gives an error when starting download. Can you maybe put the url where to find the library so i can try manually?

    Thx in advance.

  3. Hi Matthias,
    I encounter the download bug again within BlueBrick. (But I could download and unzip the Trixbrix library manually.)
    My real question: where in ANY library do I find the standard LEGO switches from 60238? I already have some of those and would very much like to incorporate those in my ‘project’. Thanks!

    1. Hmm, a good question. Obviously, the 9V switches and the Trixbrix R40 switches with the parallel track adapter have the same geometry as the switches from LEGO 60238. What you can do is to copy the 9V switch and rename it to “Standard switch right/left” or similar.

  4. Hallo Matthias,
    Download und Installation haben soweit gut funktioniert. Danke für die tolle und verständliche Erläuterung auf deiner Website sowie auch auf YouTube.
    Ich habe allerdings ein Problem. Ich habe bei der Gleisplanung keine Verbindungspunkte (gelb) die zu sehen sind, sodass sich die Teile nicht miteinander verbinden.
    Hast du einen Tipp wie ich das Problem lösen kann?
    Danke & beste Grüße

      1. Danke Matthias für die schnelle Rückmeldung.
        Den besagten Menu Punkt hatte ich mehrfach angeklickt, leider ohne Ergebnis.
        Heute alles gelöscht und neu installiert, jetzt funktionierts es einwandfrei.
        Vielen Dank & beste Grüße

  5. Is there anything available like Blue bricks I can install on my android tablet, I do not own a PC and would love to be able to design layouts to help my Grandson

  6. Hallo Matthias,
    Vielen Dank für deine tollen Updates!
    wird bald eine v1.9 kommen mit den r56 bogenweichen? Müßte ein bißchen planen ^^
    oder mußt du noch ein bisschen warten wegen anderen Radien für Bogenweichen? R88? R104? 😉

    1. Moin Andi,
      ich bin dran. Schau mal in die “Version History” ganz oben (derzeit 1.8.1). Da schreibe ich immer direkt rein, was gerade im Bau ist.


      1. wer lesen kann ist entscheidend im Vorteil 😉
        vielen Dank für deine Mühe, freu mich schon auf das update.

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