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  • Author
    • #7732
      Stephan KnokeStephan Knoke


      ich habe für meine Loks eigene Configs angelegt.
      Nun bekomme ich beim Start folgende Meldung:

      [1] Setup: Starting MattzoTrainController for BLE...
      [1] Setup: Loading network configuration...
      [0000] [1] Logging: Configured.
      [0001] [1] Setup: Loading controller configuration...
      [0002] [1] Config: Read controller name: LegoTrainControl
      [0003] [1] Config: Read ESP pin configuration (0).
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      Config: Failed to read config file: deserializeJson() failed with code InvalidInput
      [0004] [1] CTRL: Local channels initialized.
      [0005] [1] Setup: Initializing BLE...
      [0006] [1] Setup: Controller configuration completed.
      [1] Wifi: Connecting to XXXXXXXXX..[0007] [0] BLE : Scanning for 12 hub(s)...
      [0008] [0] BLE : Discovered unknown device:  (c4:de:e2:8f:38:8e).
      [0009] [0] BLE : Discovered unknown device:  (09:ee:2c:d7:c5:8a).
      [0010] [1] MQTT: Connecting to 192.168.178.XX:XXXX...
      [0011] [1] Setup: MattzoTrainController for BLE running.
      [0012] [1] Setup: Number of locos to discover hubs for: 12
      [0013] [0] MQTT: Subscriber configuring last will...
      [0014] [0] MQTT: Subscriber attempting to connect...
      [0015] [0] MQTT: Subscriber connected
      [0016] [0] MQTT: Subscriber subscribed to topic 'rocrail/service/command'
      [0017] [1] MQTT: Received 'shutdown' command. Stopping all locos.
      [0018] [0] BLE : Discovered unknown device:  (65:7d:82:b1:91:26).
      [0019] [0] BLE : Scanning for 12 hub(s) aborted.
      [0020] [0] BLE : Scanning for 12 hub(s)...

      Grundsätzlich scheint aber etwas zu funktionieren, denn die Loks verbinden sich.
      Was kann ich tun, damit die Fehler verschwinden. Es wird für jedes Config-File eine Fehlermeldung ausgegeben.

      Viele Grüße


    • #7733
      Stephan KnokeStephan Knoke

      Das hat sich auch erledigt. War ein Komma zu viel :o( .
      Jetzt sind die Loks per Rocrail steuerbar :o)

    • #7734
      Matthias RunteMatthias Runte

      Das freut mich!

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