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  • in reply to: PCBWay Gerber files issue #6562
    Stefaan HaesenStefaan Haesen

    My PCBWAY-order has arrived 🙂 They look all good now 😎 time to start building!

    in reply to: PCBWay Gerber files issue #6558
    Stefaan HaesenStefaan Haesen

    Thanks Matthias, I still have my order open, so I will now load the new files … Will let you know how it goed.

    in reply to: PCBWay Gerber files issue #6551
    Stefaan HaesenStefaan Haesen

    Still no new gerber files ?

    in reply to: PCBWay Gerber files issue #6536
    Stefaan HaesenStefaan Haesen

    Hi Matthias,
    Any idea when the updated gerber files will be available ? I have an outstanding order at PCBWAY just waiting for updated files 😉

    in reply to: MLC – pcb gerber files #6532
    Stefaan HaesenStefaan Haesen

    Hello Mtthias, I haven no experience with creating PCB’s whatsoever, but I’m willing to give it a try. Would you be willing to share the design files with me ?

    in reply to: PCBWay Gerber files issue #6516
    Stefaan HaesenStefaan Haesen

    Hi, today i finally received my pcb’s ordered at PCBWAY. Same issue as JLCPCB 🙁 no holes drilled and I received only one of the boards … Very unhappy !

    in reply to: PCBWay Gerber files issue #6475
    Stefaan HaesenStefaan Haesen

    Hello Matthias, I was able to place the order (both suppliers), but afterwards they came up with these questions …
    PCBWAY – A-board : For inquiry order W658829AS2D5, we have reviewed the file and there is a problem need to check with you.
    PCBWAY – B-board : For inquiry order W658829AS2D6, there is a problem need to check with you.
    Because there only have 1 copper layer in file, and without any notes for which layers should we follow for production.
    Please check is it ok to do as Top copper, both solder mask, both silksreen?
    There is no drill layer in your file. Please check do you need the drill layer for this order.
    JLCPCB : As shown below, there is no individual board outline layer in your file, should we use the outer outline on top silkscreen layer as for the board outline?
    Except for the drill holes, are there any cut out, milling line in the board?
    Do you need to make holes for those indicate circles at the arrows?

    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: PCBWay Gerber files issue #6473
    Stefaan HaesenStefaan Haesen

    After my question for refund, PCBWay came up with a ‘solution’ (like JLCPCB). I will have a lot pcb’s …

    in reply to: PCBWay Gerber files issue #6469
    Stefaan HaesenStefaan Haesen

    Dear Matthias,
    Same issue with jlcpcb 🙁

    Hi Sir or madam,

    Well got your order with many thanks~

    Sorry to bother you, but there is an issue that we want to confirm with you before proceeding.

    As shown below, there is no individual board outline layer in your file, should we use the outer outline on top silkscreen layer as for the board outline?

    Except for the drill holes, are there any cut out, milling line in the board?

    Do you need to make holes for those indicate circles at the arrows?

    Your early reply will be highly appreciated!

    Thank you so much!

    in reply to: PCBWay Gerber files issue #6468
    Stefaan HaesenStefaan Haesen

    Thanks Matthias,
    I now placed the order with JLCPCB and like PCBWay, ordering was not a problem. PCBWay came with questions afterwards. Let’s hope PCBWay will refund me …
    Kind Regards

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